Why menstruating women are not allowed to enter temples??
Published On :
27th February 2024
Posted by : Sahanshila Khadka
Women experience a variety of difficulties when they are menstruating, including societal stigma, humiliation and embarrassment, institutional difficulties, etc. The largest issue, though, is that people halt moving through houses of worship when a woman is menstruating and refuse to welcome her. Should We Visit Temple During Menstruation?
These days, a lot of mothers tell their daughters not to visit the temple when they are menstruating. The irony is that these women also have lack of knowledge and necessary to provide a valid justification for this "custom". They refer to it as a religious rule without knowing the rationale. In our nation, menstr.....
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Breaking the Silence: My Journey to Say No to Period Taboo
Published On :
30th April 2024
Posted by : Pranika Neupane
Growing up in Nepal, I was surrounded by whispers and hushed conversations whenever the topic of menstruation arose. It was treated as a taboo, something to be hidden away and spoken about in secret. As a young girl, I internalized these messages, learning to feel ashamed of my own body and its natural processes.
I'll never forget the day I got my first period. I was just a teenager, barely understanding what was happening to my body. Instead of being greeted with understanding and support, I was met with silence and embarrassment. It was as if my own body had betrayed me, marking me as impure and unworthy.
As if that wasn't enough, my own family a.....
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That Time Things Got Weird: A Period Primer
Published On :
26th April 2024
Posted by : Pranika Neupane
Hi there, everyone! Okay, so it may be a menstrual duration, or too much information, for some; however, I wanted to share something that happens to… well, half the world. Your first period! It was, let’s just say, a unique experience for most girls. I was approximately 12 when it occurred to me. I was doing my regular work – school, meeting, and obsessing over the most recent boy ensemble… you know… the usual. However, one day I witnessed the bloodstains my underwear and was a total freak-out. What is going on? Was I injured? I don’t know whether I also spilled anything; I was screaming internally.
I didn’t dare ask my mom, of course. Periods were.....
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