The Survivor
Published On :
17th August 2021
Category :
Gender and advocacy
She was 18 years old studying in grade 11. Life was going on as usual with highs and lows. She had a close friend who had feelings for her about which she was unaware. They were close to each other, sharing each detail of their everyday lives. The guy misunderstood her feelings towards him and thought she also liked him. He never said a word about how he felt about her.
One day the girl found a certain someone who she truly felt connected with and she told this to her best friend. Her friend felt that it was not fair and she didn’t understand his feelings towards her. He felt that she was teasing him while being with someone else and then the guy de.....
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Gender Stereotypes
Published On :
7th December 2020
Posted by : Sanju Maharjan
Category :
Gender and advocacy
Gender stereotypes are traditional roles or responsibilities that are considered appropriate for each individual according to their gender. We are expected to act, behave, learn, and perform as per the rules that have been enforced to us in a direct or an indirect way. This is called gender stereotypes.
Gender stereotypes originate from our culture and traditions and are passed on to generations to follow the same line. While we make advancements and progress every day towards the modern world, these stereotypes are irrelevant and totally unfair. However, there are an infinite number of such stereotypes followed and practiced which shape our gender.....
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Outlook of Women's stand in SRHR
Published On :
6th June 2018
Posted by : Nirmal Paudel
Category :
Gender and advocacy
While the sustainable development goals (SDGs) are ambitious and expansive on its own, it aims in encompassing several sectors that cover the social and economic issues worldwide. In an attempt to bring the sexual and reproductive issues into its framework, SDGs has widened its focus involving agendas of sexual and reproductive health rights (SRHR). Three of its goals- health, gender equality and education goals specifically focus on meeting the SRHR agendas. It features the key aspects of SRHR which includes access to sexual and reproductive health services, maternal and newborn health issues, comprehensive sexuality education and the ability to mak.....
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She Should be Silent
Published On :
9th May 2018
Category :
Gender and advocacy
Blaming women for harassment, rape is what hundreds of millions of men are taught to believe. The code for women in this country is simple: Dress modestly, don't go out at night, don't go to bars and clubs, and don’t go out alone. If you break the code, you will be blamed for the consequences. Likewise, Anita was a girl who broke the rule and suffered.
Anita, a girl of 20, was excited and thrilled when she got a job in a renowned hotel in Kathmandu. Being efficient, hardworking and sincere, she impressed the management in a short time. After she had been working for a year on the job, a new manager was appointed as her supervisor. The new supervisor.....
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