Visible Impact

Every Girl

Every Woman

Every Youth

" Four things i have learned during my Adolescence."

"" Four things i have learned during my Adolescence.""

Published On : 2016-10-25
Posted by : Sharmila acharya
Category : Experiences
Category : Adolescent Girls
Category : Health and Development
Category : Young People
Category : Menstruation
Category : Concurrent issues
Category : Gender and advocacy

Today my mind is stable only because thousands of encrypted thoughts have agreed to get explained through the words to be written. Thoughts, perceptions, inspirations, acts and opinion are literally varied from person to person but,  also  due to level of maturity a person. The time when I really don’t know all the above jargon, I was actually playing with these things day by day.

“ Uff ! You are grown up now” this was the sentence I used to repeatedly hear from my parents (like everyone) at my teenage (adolescent); a most confusing time of my life. Time when I was slightly drifting away from my favorite cartoons while hung up with melodramatic serials and romantic songs. Time, when was actually shifting my question “what is this or that”?  to “ Why is this or that”?. Time, when I used to have thousands of question about every answers that I was already told of but none to answer my question. Time when my talk, voices and probably my laugh and smile are judged by my mirror than other people.

I was already warned about this stage that it will be tougher and uncontrollable yet it became unforgettable stage my life. I am not going to explain what happened to me at this stage while I will be explaining what I really learned from this stage. There all total five things I learned from my adolescence.

  • If you want real friends in your life; teenage or schools friends are for forever.

Every person at this stage is mostly driven by emotion and heart rather than brains. Now, being an adult you guys have definitely known that how brain usually succeed over heart and when this happens heart also start trust brain rather than itself. So friends at that time are connected through your hearts and every time you meet them, they will explain how the heart strings actually rings.


  • If you want make yourself; best time to start.

Though nowadays so called adult chose or decide about our future according best achievable option. But I have observed lately for achieving the goal, you might need hundreds of strategies but for choosing that best goal or aim you always need best inspiration. Regarding inspiration; this phase is the best time to frequently knock your soul and ask what it really wants .( though I am now at public health; my aim was to be lawyer).


  • If you want best behavior in you; make some habits.

Adolescence is best time do hit and trial. For this parents are also equally responsible.  BUT, there is always question about to the acceptance on good habits. I can’t imagine also how  I  would I have be handled my children in this stage if they would behave exactly like me at this stage ( if only I have, haha!). Perhaps, rather than shouting or forcing or luring the teenage to adopt with good behaviors, we can provide the options they will try by themselves or make them see another person with certain habit (It’s hard to make impression of good habits in their insights). Most of the time forcing only reduce expected result sometimes its turn into another direction also. (For me reverse psychology was best method ‘doing exact opposite what other person tell you do! So funny).


  • Time with best dreams and also nightmares

Revealing the mystery of world might usually start from childhood while getting perspective and little analytical through the teenage hormones. You got know fairy tales and cartoons really don’t exists further humans made intentionally to fool around with you and keep busy. I really don’t know about others dreams but mine were too fascinating and adventitious. Searching for your favorite celebrity, visiting great cities and places, picturing your dream person, inventing best inventions which world waiting, travel to future and so on. I used to analyze dreams that how come beautiful dreams were out of the world (driven from excitement and curiosity) while nightmares were originated from fears and hidden truth of society . Through your dreams you can analyze what fears you want get rid off and what passion you want to grow.



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Visim envisions creating visible impact on lives of every girl, every woman and every youth by unleashing the social and economic leadership of girls, women and youth through beneficiary-partnered innovative interventions.