Visible Impact

Every Girl

Every Woman

Every Youth

Eve teasing

                                      Eve teasing
Published On : 6th January 2020
Posted by : Sadiksha Dahal
Category : Adolescent Girls

In our life , at some point or other, we have faced some kinds of harassment – particularly sexual harassment. Being a girl myself , I can’t remember how many times I’ve been eve teased .Eve teasing is a form of sexual harassment . It is the manifestation of sexual provocation of a person. It includes name calling , whisteling , winking eyes, humming the tunes of song when a girl or boy passes by ,catching hands ,touching inappropriately ,following ,passing obscene remarks ,etc. In our country most of the instances of eve teasing are related to women . Although men are likely to be eve teased but the proportion of men victims are relatively small. E.....

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‘’Dad, I am on my periods.’’

 ‘’Dad, I am on my periods.’’
Published On : 24th December 2018
Posted by : Manisha Hada
Category : Menstruation

‘’Dad, I am on my periods.’’ Meera, a bright and happy girl, had just stepped in her teenage. She is the only princess of her parents and was brought up by her dad. Being brought up by dad, she shared her every activity of a day to her dad from the start of the day, schooling, to the end of the day’s activities. That was how her days were passing by. On a certain day, she was sitting on a sofa watching television. Her lower abdomen suddenly started to ache, leaving her to pain and distress. She started screaming so loud, her dad came running and asked wha.....

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Published On : 18th December 2018
Posted by : Manisha Hada
Category : Menstruation

MENSTRUATION: ACID OR BEAUTIFUL? A girl who had just stepped into her teenage was happy and curious about what this age will bring her. Unaware about the reality of what her biological process would bring her. Chubby, cheerful and full of life this girl was ready for her new years. With high adrenaline rush in her body and imaginations in her mind she suddenly got stuck on the corridor where she sees a guy of her class who looked normal to her before , looked attractive to her that day. And yes she got lost in his world just like Alice in her wonderland. She kept thinking about him every time. While doing her home chores, school assignments and ev.....

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Visible Impact

Visim envisions creating visible impact on lives of every girl, every woman and every youth by unleashing the social and economic leadership of girls, women and youth through beneficiary-partnered innovative interventions.