Visible Impact

Every Girl

Every Woman

Every Youth

Body Shaming

Body Shaming
Published On : 2nd May 2020
Posted by : Sadiksha Dahal
Category : Young People

"You're not fat, you're beautiful." "Hey skinny, you're so lucky you can eat whatever you want" These are some of the instances we come across very often. It is called body shaming. Body shaming, as the name implies is an act of making critical, potentially humiliating comments about a person's body size, weight or height. Body shaming is never cool. It is a form of bullying. It can cause physical and mental trauma to the one being body shamed. We have been body shaming and been body shamed through different portals. Whether it be at school, college, home; social media, newspaper, television, radio, movies, etc. Our culture loves the ideology of a.....

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My First Period

My First Period
Published On : 21st February 2020
Posted by : Sanju Maharjhan
Category : Menstruation

It was a breezy Tuesday morning in December. It was my Social Studies exam and I still had a few chapters to review. I freshened up quickly and started reading those remaining portion. Then, suddenly I started having a terrible pain in my lower abdomen. It became so extreme that I thought my abdomen would explode that day. I had no idea what was going on. The 13 year old child in me thought maybe it was due to weakness as I had been skipping meals due to the exams. Despite such severe pain, I ignored it and continued studying. Soon after my breakfast I rushed to the school assembly. The scheduled exams got delayed that day. While we were studyi.....

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Bullying may seem as a small issue but it follows the same pattern as hatred, intolerance or even ho

Bullying may seem as a small issue but it follows the same pattern as hatred, intolerance or even ho
Published On : 20th February 2020
Posted by : Bishow Puri
Category : Concurrent issues

Bullying is an intentional, repeated and targeted action that aims to hurt, harm or humiliate a person/ victim either physically, mentally or emotionally and can happen at any place. Bullying using electronic means, media and the internet is known as cyberbullying. In today’s world cyberspace/ internet has become an integrated part of our life and cyberbullying cannot be considered as a separate entity as both the online and offline spaces has merged and become one. Bullying may seem as a small issue but it follows the same pattern as hatred, intolerance or even homicide that treats victims as inferior beings and taking pleasure from others sufferin.....

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Visible Impact

Visim envisions creating visible impact on lives of every girl, every woman and every youth by unleashing the social and economic leadership of girls, women and youth through beneficiary-partnered innovative interventions.