Visible Impact

Every Girl

Every Woman

Every Youth



Published On : 2018-12-18
Posted by : Manisha Hada
Category : Experiences
Category : Adolescent Girls
Category : Health and Development
Category : Young People
Category : Menstruation
Category : Concurrent issues
Category : Gender and advocacy

MENSTRUATION: ACID OR BEAUTIFUL? A girl who had just stepped into her teenage was happy and curious about what this age will bring her. Unaware about the reality of what her biological process would bring her. Chubby, cheerful and full of life this girl was ready for her new years. With high adrenaline rush in her body and imaginations in her mind she suddenly got stuck on the corridor where she sees a guy of her class who looked normal to her before , looked attractive to her that day. And yes she got lost in his world just like Alice in her wonderland. She kept thinking about him every time. While doing her home chores, school assignments and even when she went to play with her friends. Next day, she decided to express him her feelings in the school’s break. When she was waiting him to pass through the corridor, her impatience suddenly turned into awkwardness as she realized her pants were getting wet. Suddenly one of the boys of her class noticed wet patch on her skirt. The boy mistook it for urine and told the whole class she had peed on her skirt leaving her deeply embarrassed. The boys then started teasing her giving a cruel nick name ‘acid girl’ because of the thought that urine consist of uric acid and not knowing the fact that the girl was on her first period. Within a moment, her excitement turned into tears leaving her in hibernation for many days. Now the place of her heart filled with confidence was replaced by fears isolating her inside a room. Seeing those needy eyes of his princess her dad could not help himself and asked her about the incident that took place in last few days. With little shyness and mumbled voice she said ‘’I am menstruating’’. The girl was amazed more than shocked when she saw smile on her dad face saying so ‘’My princess is now beautiful’’. That word, ‘’beautiful’’ changed her embarrassment to the moment of pride that she was feeling for being on her periods. The next day she proudly, with her head held high, went to the school faced all her friends and with a bold voice said,’’ No! I am not an acid, instead I’m beautiful and the patches were not due to urine but because I was bleeding.’’ Menstruation, the journey that every girl undertakes was dignified by just one word, ‘beautiful’ said by a dad to his princess.

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Visible Impact

Visim envisions creating visible impact on lives of every girl, every woman and every youth by unleashing the social and economic leadership of girls, women and youth through beneficiary-partnered innovative interventions.