Visible Impact

Every Girl

Every Woman

Every Youth

Rape and Capital Punishment

Rape and Capital Punishment
Published On : 19th October 2020
Posted by : Bishow Puri
Category : Concurrent issues

Rape is not a sexual act out of lust. Rape is a felony offense meaning that it is among one of the most serious crimes, a person could ever commit. Victims of rape face a deep emotional crisis as it destroys their entire psychology. It is not just a crime against a person (victim) but also against society. According to Muluki Ain 2020, 12th amendment, “A person is liable for the offense of rape if he procures sexual intercourse with/without the consent of women under 16 and without the consent of women above 16, where it is further explained as: Consent obtained by fear, threat, undue influence, fraud, abducting may not be termed as consent. Cons.....

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My Activism: Frame of Reference

My Activism: Frame of Reference
Published On : 8th June 2020
Posted by : Bishow Puri
Category : Menstruation

It was my first day in an organization where I chose to volunteer as a menstrual hygiene awareness activist. I was told that our activities would be limited to the Kathmandu valley and I was very disappointed to hear that. As, we all know that the greatest menstrual taboos and traditions exist usually in the rural areas of the country and not in the capital city where people live under areas that are well lit, are literate, independent, and have less faith in such social taboos. This is the common misconception that we all have in our minds. I could not come up with a different view at that point of time as I also came from the common socialization.....

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Period Perks and Challenges of a Tharu Girl

Period Perks and Challenges of a Tharu Girl
Published On : 1st June 2020
Posted by : Laxmi Chaudhary
Category : Menstruation

Tharu; indigenous ethnic group of Nepal with their own unique linguistic and cultural heritages are found to be inhabited mostly in the Terai region. Though the way of living is changing by time, most people live together with large groups and joint families are favored. Agriculture is the main occupation. Tharu people have their own unique culture, custom, architecture, food and cuisine, rites, rituals, festivals, and belief systems to their credit. The belief and practice of menstruation is also quite different from other communities. I am also part of this community. Here’s me telling about how these beliefs and practices help and challenges that.....

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Visible Impact

Visim envisions creating visible impact on lives of every girl, every woman and every youth by unleashing the social and economic leadership of girls, women and youth through beneficiary-partnered innovative interventions.