Visible Impact

Every Girl

Every Woman

Every Youth

Stains of Shame

"Stains of Shame"

Published On : 2018-05-27
Posted by : Anisha Shrestha
Category : Experiences
Category : Adolescent Girls
Category : Health and Development
Category : Young People
Category : Menstruation
Category : Concurrent issues
Category : Gender and advocacy

What does a teenage girl fear the most?? Pimples?? Marks at School?? Rejection in Love life?? No. There’s something even bigger. Stains. Stains of shame. In Nepal, the average age for girls to start menstruating is 12-14 years. These years are the most vulnerable years of a teenage girl. They are just coming to terms with their sexuality when the added burden of menstruation adds up to their misery. It happens like this. Just a normal day in school. She feels pain in her lower abdomen, she doesn’t know what it is. She has felt it for the first time. Some of her classmates know the pain and they try to help her. But the classroom is full of boys and the bathroom is also not good. What to do? But somehow the stains are there. Oh, it’s all over her uniform. She doesn’t know what to do. The boys are looking at her and laughing. She is embarrassed beyond imagination. This story will never end. The boys will mock her every day. The stains of shame will haunt her every day. This is what happens to every girl in our country. There is no menstruation friendly environment at school. The general awareness of teenagers about menstruation is not satisfactory. As a result, many teenagers suffer the stains of shame. So, what to do?? Is this beyond our imagination or scope to imagine a normal life of teenager girl during her menstruation ? Is it such a big thing to ask for? The condition of rural areas is even worse. As the world beyond us is developing leap and bound, we can’t even provide our girls a sense of security. You know what, shame on us.

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Visible Impact

Visim envisions creating visible impact on lives of every girl, every woman and every youth by unleashing the social and economic leadership of girls, women and youth through beneficiary-partnered innovative interventions.