Visible Impact

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Sex, Gender and Sexuality

"Sex, Gender and Sexuality"

Published On : 2022-12-26
Posted by : Paras Khadka
Category : Experiences
Category : Adolescent Girls
Category : Health and Development
Category : Young People
Category : Menstruation
Category : Concurrent issues
Category : Gender and advocacy

When filling out a document such as a job application or school registration form, you are often asked to provide your name, address, phone number, birth date, and sex or gender. But have you ever been asked to provide both your sex and your gender?

As with most people, it may have occurred to you that sex and gender are the same. However, sociologists and most other social scientists view sex and gender as conceptually distinct.

The topics in itself are too vague and too vast if not made into themes. So let me make this clear: Sex, gender, and sexuality all have distinct meanings. First of all, "Sex" is a biological and physiological characteristic of males and females that revolves around chromosomes, hormones, reproductive organs, etc. "Gender" is a socially constructed character like masculinity and femininity. "Sexuality" is a person's identity in relation to the gender or genders to which they are typically attracted or their sexual orientation.

You may be thinking that distinguishing biological male from biological females is surely a simple matter. Just conduct some DNA or hormonal testing and throw in a physical examination, and you’ll have the answer. But it is not that simple. Both biological males and females produce a certain amount of testosterone, and different laboratories have different testing methods, which makes it difficult to set a specific threshold for the amount of male hormones produced by a female that renders her sex male. A baby boy who is born with male genitalia will be identified as male. As he grows, however, he may identify with the feminine aspects of his culture. Since the term "sex" refers to biological or physical distinctions, the characteristics of sex will not vary significantly between different human societies.

Transgender is a term that refers to individuals who identify with behaviors and characteristics that are different from their biological sex. For example, transgender males, although assigned the sex "female" at birth, have such a strong emotional and psychological connection to the forms of masculinity in society that they identify their gender as male. The same parallel connection to femininity exists for transgender females. It is difficult to determine the prevalence of transgenderism in society. Transgender experiences are so diverse that it is difficult to identify their origin. Some hypotheses suggest biological factors such as genetics or prenatal hormone levels, as well as social and cultural factors such as childhood and adulthood experiences, as the origin. It is known that transgender and transsexual individuals experience discrimination based on their gender identity. People who identify as transgender are twice as likely to experience assault or discrimination as non-transgender individuals.

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Visim envisions creating visible impact on lives of every girl, every woman and every youth by unleashing the social and economic leadership of girls, women and youth through beneficiary-partnered innovative interventions.