Visible Impact

Every Girl

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Every Youth

Period stain anxiety

"Period stain anxiety"

Published On : 2022-12-19
Posted by : Alina Dahal
Category : Experiences
Category : Adolescent Girls
Category : Health and Development
Category : Young People
Category : Menstruation
Category : Concurrent issues
Category : Gender and advocacy

Period stains on pants are among the worst fears that a girl experiences when she is on her period. In addition to mood swings, hormonal changes, premenstrual syndromes, period pains, back pain, and breast pain, the majority of women have period leakages and live in the constant terror of it during menstruation. Personally, the majority of the time I don’t have heavy bleeding, but somehow I end up getting stains on my pants in the process. I wonder how my colleagues manage to stay stainless during their period. 

Both menstruators and non-menstruators are aware that menstruation is a natural occurrence and that bleeding results in blood stains on our jeans. During our period, we menstruators at least had leaks or stains once on our clothing and valuables. Why is it that it has not been normalized yet? I, myself, talk openly about menstruation and advise people not to be alarmed if they got period stains on their jeans. But when I am on my period, I battle to avoid experiencing period stain anxiety as well. We keep checking our pants on every mirror we find, and keep asking our friends to check for any blood stains. Period anxiety in some way impairs our ability to focus, pay attention and perform our best. The constant distress only negatively affects us. Young people often skip school/college while they are on their period. Period stains give women discomfort and cause them to postpone plans.

Bleeding is perceived as a matter of shame and is considered best for everyone if it is a kept secret. The unrealistic expectations from women, while they are struggling, are horrible. Some even defend their prejudices by saying “Period blood has negative energy” which has no logic behind it. Period blood does no harm. So, if you see period stains on someone’s pants then perceive it as normal as breathing.


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Visible Impact

Visim envisions creating visible impact on lives of every girl, every woman and every youth by unleashing the social and economic leadership of girls, women and youth through beneficiary-partnered innovative interventions.