"‘My Period, My Pain’"
And I crumple down in my bed,
The very moment feels like, it’s not the other day I used to live like,
My stomach burns like a larva in a volcano,
My breast sores like a tender wound,
My back aches like a torn ligament,
My mood swings like monsoon weather,
And the hot bag in the corner of my bed becomes my best friend,
And I crumple down in my bed,
The very moment feels like, it’s not the other day I used to live like,
My nights are incomplete of sleep,
Cause the discomfort to find my way so easily,
My days are gloomy,
Cause my mind is not free of pain,
And the bed in the corner of my room becomes my best friend,
Yet, I believe my days could be made much easier,
With everyone’s support around me,
Yet, I believe my menstruation can be made much healthier,
With menstrual friendly environment around me,
So, let’s get together in this,
To turn my pain into strength,
So, let’s get together in this,
To create a world free of menstrual taboos and trauma,
Cause you and I can work for change,
The change every one of us is waiting for!!!