Visible Impact

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From Confusion to Understanding: Sanju's Journey to Adulthood

"From Confusion to Understanding: Sanju's Journey to Adulthood"

Published On : 2023-05-19
Posted by : Aarti Chaudhary
Category : Experiences
Category : Adolescent Girls
Category : Health and Development
Category : Young People
Category : Menstruation
Category : Concurrent issues
Category : Gender and advocacy

On a typical school morning, Sanju found herself in a rush to get to her classroom as she had her final exam of the year. Wearing her school uniform, she realized she was running behind schedule. Upon reaching the classroom, her teacher gave her a look. Hastily, she collected her answer sheet and question paper before taking her seat.

As Sanju glanced at the question paper, a wave of relief washed over her. She had prepared for the exact questions being asked. However, she experienced a slight discomfort and pain in her lower abdomen, which reminded her that she hadn't slept well the night before. She made a mental note to rest properly once she returned home.

After the exam concluded, Sanju didn't feel as calm as she should have, despite being an excellent student. Stepping outside the classroom, she noticed her friend Reema, who greeted her with a cheerful smile, indicating her success in the exam. As they discussed the questions, Sanju heard her friend Raju call out to her, pointing out something red, resembling blood, on her legs.

Sanju looked down and was shocked to see blood on her legs. She was unsure of its source, and the sight filled her with fear. In a panic, she sought out her teacher, Maya Miss, and eventually found her in the library. Tearfully, she expressed her belief that she was going to die soon. However, Maya Miss laughed gently and reassured her that she was not going to die.

Sanju, confused and tearful, explained the heavy bleeding to Maya Miss. The teacher then explained that this was a blessing from God, indicating that Sanju was now capable of bearing a child. Sanju was surprised but recalled her mother mentioning something about periods. She asked Maya Miss if this was her first period. With a gentle smile, Maya Miss nodded, and Sanju finally understood what was happening.

Maya Miss provided Sanju with proper guidance and comfort, alleviating her fears and bringing her relief. Sanju felt a sense of joy and anticipation as she looked forward to sharing this new milestone with her parents. Thus, concluded the story of Sanju's first period, a significant moment in every girl's life. Do you recall your own story?

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Visible Impact

Visim envisions creating visible impact on lives of every girl, every woman and every youth by unleashing the social and economic leadership of girls, women and youth through beneficiary-partnered innovative interventions.