Visible Impact

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Breaking the Chain: A Walk Towards Liberation from Relationship Violence

"Breaking the Chain: A Walk Towards Liberation from Relationship Violence"

Published On : 2023-12-28
Posted by : Rakshya Adhikari
Category : Unknown Category

“What has happened to you, you are not as cheerful and lively as you used to be since our last few meets?” asked one of her friends noticing her changed attitude. She changed the topic and brushed off their concerns, feeling too ashamed to admit the truth, and hiding all her emotions and trauma she had been going through.

She always carried a charming and welcoming smile that could lighten up the room making anybody feel warm, but behind it hid the scars of her chaotic and tumultuous relationship. She was deeply in love with a man who seemed to be perfect, charming, and fascinating at first glance.

As their relationship grew, his true colors began to emerge. He became controlling, dictating about what she could wear, who she could talk to, and where she could go. She was all blinded in love, ignoring his behavior and attitude, thinking his possessiveness demonstrated love and affection for her. With the passage of time, his behavior intensified, became more brutal and worse. She felt trapped in a web of fear, constantly walking on eggshells to avoid setting him off.

She made a courageous decision—to walk away and break free from the chains of an abusive relationship. With the support of one of her close friends, she sought help from a local women's group. The dedicated group of women provided a safe place to stay, counseling, and resources to rebuild her life. Her journey to healing was a rocky road with lots of ups and downs, bounding her into too many emotions as she was trying to collect the broken pieces of her, but with each passing day, she regained a sense of strength and independence.

As she distanced herself from him, she was able to reconnect with friends and family who had been worried for long. Together, they formed a strong support system that helped her navigate legal procedure to ensure he would face the consequences of his inappropriate actions. The community connected around her, standing strongly with her, raising awareness about relationship violence, and encouraging others to seek help during such situation.

Aasha, as what her name defines, as ray of hope to many who struggle through their abusive relationship. She became an advocate, sharing her story to inspire and empower those who felt trapped in abusive relationships. Through her courage and resilience, she became a beacon of hope for others facing similar challenges.

In the end, Aasha not only survived but thrived. She rebuilt her life, pursuing her passion and dreams. The scars on her body and soul served as an authentication of her strength and a reminder that she had broken the chain that once bound her. Aasha's liberation became a story for change and hope for many. It sparked conversations about the importance of recognizing the signs of relationship violence, talking about it to the person or group who can offer help, and providing support for survivors. As the people came closer and together to raise awareness, breaking the silence surrounding such abuse, they hoped to create a safer, more compassionate environment for everyone.

Aasha's journey not only sparked the conversations but also ignited hope for many that liberation from relationship violence is possible by standing for oneself and all together. In larger scale, communities can break the cycle and support those in need, fostering a culture of love, empathy, and respect for all.

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Visible Impact

Visim envisions creating visible impact on lives of every girl, every woman and every youth by unleashing the social and economic leadership of girls, women and youth through beneficiary-partnered innovative interventions.