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Safe Abortion: Your Body, Your Choice

"Safe Abortion: Your Body, Your Choice"

Published On : 2023-05-19
Posted by : Aarti Chaudhary
Category : Unknown Category

"In 2010, a young girl who was married at the age of 14 had already experienced the birth of two children. When she turned 20, she found herself pregnant with her third child, but she did not wish to continue with the pregnancy. Unfortunately, her in-laws prohibited her from having an abortion due to the societal belief that abortion is a sinful act. It is regarded as the gravest offense, the deliberate killing of an unborn child, in the eyes of mankind. However, abortion was legalized in Nepal back in 2002 through the Muluki Ain. Prior to that, numerous women faced immense struggles and difficulties as a result of seeking abortions. Even if a miscarriage occurred due to violence, it was the women who were punished and imprisoned. These women had no place to turn to and resigned themselves to spending the rest of their lives behind bars. Even in present times, abortion remains largely stigmatized, and a significant number of people oppose it. Despite nearly two decades since its legalization, the abortion landscape in Nepal has not witnessed significant changes. Many women in our country continue to lack awareness about abortion and choose to carry pregnancies to term rather than terminate them. This lack of awareness is the root cause behind such circumstances. Hence, today I aim to share some crucial information that every woman should be aware of regarding abortion. What exactly is abortion? Who offers abortion services? Where can one obtain an abortion? Is abortion a safe procedure? Through this blog post, we will delve into these questions and provide fundamental insights about abortion that are essential for every woman to know."

To begin with, abortion refers to the removal of the fetus from the womb before it reaches the stage of viability, which typically occurs at 20 weeks of gestation. Some abortions happen naturally as miscarriages, while others are intentionally induced. Pregnant women who do not wish to proceed with their pregnancies have the option to seek abortion services. In Nepal, abortion was legalized in 2002 and underwent further revision by the government in 2018. These services can be obtained from authorized medical professionals at hospitals or clinics, ensuring complete safety.

There are several factors that pregnant women should consider before deciding to terminate a pregnancy. Certified healthcare providers offer abortion services up to 12 weeks of gestation. In cases of rape or incest, abortion is legal with the consent of the pregnant woman for up to 28 weeks. Similarly, if the pregnant woman's life is at risk or her physical or mental health is deteriorating, abortion can be performed up to 28 weeks with her consent and the opinion of a licensed doctor. In situations where the fetus is disabled or has genetic defects, abortion can be carried out up to 28 weeks with the consent of the mother and the doctor's assessment. Additionally, if the pregnant woman is suffering from incurable diseases like H.I.V., abortion can be considered up to 28 weeks with her consent.

It is crucial to emphasize that no one has the authority to compel pregnant women to undergo an abortion. The decision to continue or terminate a pregnancy lies solely with the pregnant woman herself. Sex-selective abortion is prohibited and considered a punishable offense in Nepal. Opting for abortion from unauthorized sources or unlicensed doctors can pose serious risks to the health and well-being of pregnant women. Safe abortion is beneficial, while unsafe abortion is hazardous. It is important to understand that abortion should not be used as a form of contraception; instead, utilizing contraceptive methods is the recommended approach. Furthermore, it is essential to choose safe abortion services provided in hospitals rather than seeking unsafe alternatives.

Regarding the initial question, the young girl in the given scenario should explore abortion services and terminate her pregnancy because it is her body and her choice. There is nothing morally wrong with abortion. Let us strive to normalize the concept of abortion, but always within the boundaries of safety and legality. It is important to recognize that abortion can save lives.


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